Bird Observations Day to Day.

Thursday, 5 January 2006

Our Local RSPB Reserve.



Hello welcome back, today we have been visiting our local RSPB reserve which is about 6 miles away. We are lucky to has a reserve so close.  It was not a very nice day a bit dull  damp and cold. The Loch which is part of the reserve is partially frozen today an the ducks are all very close together where there is any open water.  We did not venture out of the heated observation room where you can see most of the Loch from.  The bird I have chosen to let you see today is a Little Egret, not a bird you would associate with Scotland but we have had 'Egberg' as he is called for 2 years now. He dropped in two winters ago and stayed right through he returned last winter and again this year he is probably the only one in Scotland at the moment. The plumes on his head are not there at the moment but they will grow in for the Springtime when he is trying to impress a female.  He will disappear from here and then hopefully he will return next winter.  Total Species for today 28. Total species for the year is now 46.  Love






  1. An Egret, how wonderful. Wish I could join you on those bird watching forrays. Thanks for sharing.
    Sylvia xxx

  2. Love the name Egberg!!!  Any Osprey at that Loch?

  3. That is a beautiful bird and you took a beautiful picture too. You sure are finding a lot of birds and getting out and exercising and getting fresh air all in one... Sandra

  4. Hi Joan, I`ve not seen one of these before, is it a British bird or just a visitor? He`s very beautiful though :o)

    Sandra xxxx


About Me

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Hi, I'm Joan I live in Scotland with my hubby of 48 years. We are both retired and enjoying life to the full well nearly. We are always out and about doing this and that. We love the countryside and do a bit of birdwatching and even twitch from time to time. We also visit art galleries and hubby does a bit of watercolour painting. Me I read a lot mainly thillers. I have been been keeping a journal for over five years over on AOL but we are being thrown out so this is my new home.

